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Curation of Exhibition

DesignxDurablexDésirable - L'art de vivre responsable !
Paris, France
March 29 - July 13, 2023

A survey on the mutations of the contemporary living environment consisting of 33 French design pieces -projects. The selection included designers, manufacturers, and editors moving towards more environmentally friendly creations and production models. These prototypes were selected because of their future-proof thinking, translating into reality sustainable ideas and providing answers to the challenges of a new responsible art of living.


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Press File

Upcycling, recycling and eco-conception exhibition.

Carola was the Curator of “Nouvelles Vies”, an exhibition held at the VIA which created a smart link between eco-conception, upcycling, and recycling at the cornerstone of furniture and product design with social and environmental interesting stories to tell. The exhibition brought together 40 eco-designers and was the starting point for the prestigious Design and innovation Institute Le French by VIA new focus on Sustainable Desig

Press File


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